Non-Academic Admissions Clearance
Universities may deny admission or readmission to an applicant due to past misconduct on or off campus, providing such denial is consistent with state and federal law. Florida Board of Governors Regulation 6.001 authorizes universities to deny admission to applicants due to past misconduct. University boards of trustees shall establish guidelines regarding evidence required for such action (UCF Regulations Chapter UCF-2).
All applicants for admission or readmission to the University of Central Florida, including applicants for post-baccalaureate or non-degree-seeking attendance, and regardless of program of study, are required to disclose on the application prior criminal conduct, pending criminal charges, and prior educational misconduct. The University reviews all applications in which a student discloses prior criminal conduct or prior educational misconduct to determine whether the admission of the applicant is in the best interest of the University. The office responsible for this review is the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities. Applicants who fail to disclose prior criminal misconduct, pending criminal charges, or any prior educational misconduct are in violation of the disclosure requirements of this paragraph and may be subject to appropriate action by the University, including denial of admission or readmission, revocation of admission, or other academic and/or disciplinary action prescribed by the University, up to and including dismissal. Applicants are not required to disclose minor traffic violations.
Step 1: Procedure
- The Office of Undergraduate Admissions, College of Graduate Studies, or the Registrar’s Office forwards applications that indicate pending or past criminal charges or educational disciplinary histories to the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities (OSRR) for review and recommendation through the Admissions Clearance Process.
- PLEASE NOTE: If you have ever been charged with a criminal offense or have a disciplinary history from an educational institution and do not report it, this could be grounds for rescinding your application or charging you with providing false or misleading information, which could result in suspension, dismissal or expulsion from the University of Central Florida.
- The applicant will receive an email from the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities with further instructions. This correspondence will be sent to the e-mail address recorded on the admissions application. The Admission Clearance process may take several weeks to complete once all necessary information is received.
- If further information is needed, OSRR may contact:
- Parole or probation officers or others reasonably familiar with the applicant’s past misconduct or criminal behavior;
- Wardens or prison directors to find out if there were any disciplinary problems with the applicant during incarceration;
- Officials from the applicant’s previous educational institutions;
- Others reasonably familiar with the applicant’s prior behavior.
- OSRR may request an in-person or telephone interview with the applicant to gather additional information, including but not limited to:
- Whether there have been any further violations since the application submission;
- Current employment status;
- Current academic status and future academic plan;
- Current support system;
- Other information as needed.
Step 2: Recommendation
Recommendations are as follows:
- The applicant is cleared for the term.
- The applicant is cleared for the term but is placed on disciplinary probation. Under disciplinary probation, you may not occupy a position of leadership or responsibility in any university student organization, publication, or activity, or represent the university in an official capacity or position. You may continue to attend classes and are given a chance to show capability and willingness to live in accordance with university rules. However, if you are subsequently found in violation of a rule while on disciplinary probation, the university may suspend or expel you from the university. While on Disciplinary Probation, a hold will be placed on your academic record for record keeping purposes. This hold impacts your ability to register for classes. Contact the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities for a temporary release prior to attempting to register for classes.
- The applicant is not cleared for the term. An unfavorable recommendation does not automatically preclude applicants from reapplying for future terms. Generally speaking, the University denies admission to applicants who have been involved in the following situations:
- Selling, distributing or manufacturing of drugs
- Sex offenses/registered sex offenders
- Violence
- Applicants who are suspended from their previous institution unless their period of suspension is complete and they are eligible to return to their institution
- Applicants who were expelled from any previous institution
- Applicants who are currently incarcerated
- Applicants who have pending charges or are not at least halfway through their court ordered requirements (misdemeanor) or fully completed with their court ordered requirements (felony).
- No recommendation for the applicant. If there is insufficient information provided by the applicant, the application is returned to the appropriate admissions office without a recommendation. The Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities (OSRR) forwards a favorable or unfavorable recommendation to the appropriate admissions office, where a determination of admission is made.
- In making the recommendation, the Dean of Students or designee, may, among other things, consider:
- History of the applicant
- Nature of the criminal activity
- Seriousness of the offense(s) or misconduct
- Likelihood of recurrence
- Likelihood of danger to specific persons or members of the community
- Behavior since the crime or violation
- Other evidence of rehabilitation and willingness to meet conditions for admission
- Bearing, if any, the criminal offense(s) or misconduct for which the person was previously convicted will have on his/her fitness or ability to perform
- Time which has elapsed since the occurrence of the criminal offense(s) or misconduct
- Specific program related to the admission sought, i.e. academic program
- Information produced by the person, on his/her behalf, in regard to his/her rehabilitation and good conduct.
Step 3: Admission or Readmission Decision
- If the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities returns a favorable recommendation, the appropriate admissions office shall process and review the complete application for admission or readmission according to established university procedures and governing policies.
- If the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities returns an unfavorable recommendation, the appropriate admissions office may uphold the unfavorable recommendation and deny the application for admission or readmission.
Step 4: Appeal
- There is no appeal process for the applicant if the University denies admission or readmission based on past misconduct. According to the Florida Board of Governors Regulation 6.001(6): “Each university must provide denied applicants notice within a reasonable period of time (as defined by the university board of trustees). Upon the applicant’s written request, the university shall provide the written reasons for the denial.”
If you have any questions regarding the Admissions Clearance process, please contact: or 407-823-3680.